Dragon & Phoenix.
The Dragon & Phoenix curriculum is designed for children in the 10-15 year age range and as a more demaning learning to challenge older children as they develop longer attention and spatial awareness. Training is focused on developing gross to fine motor skills, and building attention and focus working to more difficult aspects such as memorisation and problem solving.
What we teach is developed from the full adult curriculm of 7 Star Praying Mantis Gong Fu - one of the most well regarded systems of Traditional Chinese Martial Arts, along with training aspects of the famous Jing Wu school of which 7 Star Praying Mantis was one of a wider selection of Arts taught.
Dragon & Phoenix Curriculum - 60 Minute Classes - Saturdays 10:30-11:30am@Stanmore Bay Primary School Hall
1 – Basic Strength & Fitness
Student will build basic strength levels of strength and fitness to ensure safe training and development, without dangerous movement to avoid injury2 – Mobility & Flexibility
Student will learn how to utilise full body actions with good form,control and coordination. Particular focus will be put on on extending range of motion and body alignment3 – Basic Techniques
This is know as 'Ji Ben Gong' (基本功) and includes the core basics such as stances, kicks and punches of the Northern Seven Star Praying Mantis System, which are shared across many Northern Gong Fu Systems4 – 12 Keywords
The 12 Keywords of the Northern Praying Mantis system are the central techniques that form the basis of the the movements within the system. These are both offensive and defensive5 – Fourteen Roads
The 14 roads are a combination of basic techniques and the 12 keywords practiced in 12 repeated lines of exercises and were dveloped by Master Luoguangyu in the early 1900's for the famous Shanghai JingWu school6 – Basic Applications
Once the core techniques are learned, students will uncover the meaning behind the techniques and learn how to put them into action in progressing drills from controlled to more free drills7 – Staff
To better understand movement and awareness, students will learn the techniques of the Northern Shaolin staff including basic actions, training movements and formsWhat Next?
Once the students have understood all the ctions and techniques of this curriculum they are able to join the full adult class, which adds additonal training for forms, weapons, body conditioning and Qi Gong
Register your Child.
We think that learning Gong Fu is a great way for students to develop core life skills and improve health and wellbeing. students will not only improve their physical condition, but also learn resilience and mental skills and techniques that they can take into further pursuits.